
Hybrid cloud in banking: Withdraw more value from the cloud

Partner with us to develop a hybrid cloud strategy that helps you deliver better financial services. 

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Boost business value with a hybrid cloud strategy

FSI investments in cloud infrastructure are high, and the skills are in even higher demand. Make it easier to implement your FSI cloud goals with us, the cloud storage specialists.

It’s time for financial services businesses to start fully embracing cloud and all its benefits.

Drive better cloud performance

Unite your data for smoother information sharing and decision-making that boost innovation. From digitizing the customer journey to personalizing their call center experience, we have you covered.


Simplify data management and regulations

Gain total control of your financial data and secure it by leveraging the simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency of hybrid cloud. Plus, benefit from data quality controls and automated compliance.


Bring your back-end processes up to date

Streamline your back-office and modernize enterprise applications and workloads, using next-gen digital solutions that help you with things like business continuity and call center capacity planning.


Implement next-gen infrastructure

Build a resilient infrastructure that leverages AI and ML to help detect fraud, address the cost of equity, and reduce the time to market of new financial products and services.


Don't just take our word for it

We’ve applied our cloud and data management solutions to help many of the world’s leading financial services providers. Here’s what a few of them have to say about us.

With NetApp AFF, we never worry. NetApp allows us to provide excellent performance to our customers because it’s a reliable system. It’s just always on all the time. It allows us to sleep at night.

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Innovation is our tradition. In this age of digitization, we rely on the most modern technologies—and the power of data—to offer ground-breaking trading options to our investors.


Our staff can now provision complete environments in minutes, not months, so we can test new ideas very rapidly. It’s given us a competitive edge.


Optimize your cloud journey

See your financial services business progress with NetApp.

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Discover how else we can help

Visit our FSI content hub for more ways we can support you.

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Capitalize on cloud

Familiarize yourself with what the best of cloud can offer.

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